
Imam Husayn (a) And Humanity

Husayn ibn Ali is the most revered personality in the world, especially the Muslim community not only as a grandson of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) but also for the Tragedy of Karbala which led to his martyrdom.

Every year during the month of Muharram, the Shiites Commemorate the Martyrdom of Imam Husayn (a). This Grand Son of the Prophet of Islam stood up against Ignorance, Oppression, Injustice, Tyranny and Racism that was rising in that era due to the rule of some so called muslim mischief makers and usurpers. He gave His life 1376 years ago to save mankind from destruction that would leave nothing behind except Paganism, Ignorance, Oppression, Misery and humans at their worst.

History is a witness to Kingdoms of Rulers that came, ruled, died and were forgotten but History is also a witness to the Kingdom of Imam Husayn (a), who rules the hearts of billions until today. The tragedy of Karbala affects the lives of not only his followers, but of all those who believe in humanity and in the Principles of Justice and Equality. It gives Inspiration to people of all communities to stand up and fight for their rights, against injustice and oppression.

So who is Imam Husayn (a) and what is the Tragedy of Karbala? How does Imam Husayn’s stand 1376 years ago, affect and inspire each and every ones lives today and how did the stand of Imam Husayn (a) in Karbala became the ultimate inspiration in human history?

Husayn ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib is the beloved grandson of Prophet Muhammad of Islam. He is the 3rd Imam of the Shi’a Twelver Muslims. He was born in Medinah and grew up under the loving care of his grandfather, parents – Ali and Fatimah and his brother Hasan (a). Imam Husayn is an embodiment of Hope, Mercy, Guidance, Knowledge, Justice, Equality, Generosity, Valour, Courage, Bravery and Piety. He is the embodiment of Human Perfection, an ocean from which seekers of all kinds quench their thirst.

After the martyrdom of his father Imam Ali, his brother Hasan became the Imam and after his brother, He became the Imam. An Imam is a rightly guided guide who is appointed by God for the guidance of man. The beginning of his Imamate saw how some corrupt minded people were plundering, looting and oppressing people in the name of Islam. The rights of His family were a subject to usurpation right after the demise of Prophet Muhammad. The inheritance of his mother, the caliphate of his father, false accusations against his brother were among many others. Yet for the sake of Islam, they endured all the tribulations with pain and patience.

The political situations at the time of Imam Husayn’s Imamate were very severe. The then institutional caliph broke the treaty he had made with Imam Hasan and appointed his son Yazid as his successor after his death. Yazid, the most tyrant ruler in the history of Islam, according to the unanimity of historians, was fond of gambling, wine, women, comfort, luxury, hunting dogs and was more inclined to committing all sorts of wanton and shameless deeds . To avoid any opposition from the people, he demanded the allegiance of Imam Husayn so as to prove to people that since the grandson of the Prophet was in his allegiance, he was a rightly guided caliph. Another reason why he wanted Imam Husayn’s allegiance is that Imam Husayn possessed an encompassing influence and a lofty status in the views of Muslims. So Imam Husayn’s allegiance would mean that muslims would naturally pledge allegiance to Yazid. But Imam Husayn refused to pledge allegiance to Yazid. Yazid ordered his governor of Medinah – Walid, where Imam Husayn used to reside, to kill Imam Husayn and send his severed head to Syria. Yazid’s palace was in Syria. Imam Husayn was called by Walid and was asked to pledge allegiance to which he replied, “A person like me can never give allegiance to persons like him.” Imam Husayn preferred to die rather than pledge allegiance to someone who was only interested in power and least bothered about the people and community.

Imam Husayn revolted and rose against the tyrannical rule of Yazid. He left Medinah along with his family and went to Mecca and from Mecca, he decided to go to Kufa – Iraq. On his way, He was stopped by Yazid’s troops on the plains of Karbala, almost 300 kms from Kufa. Hungry and thirsty for 3 days, on 10th of Muharram 680 A.D. Husayn and his 72 companions were mercilessly and brutally killed. But that was not the end of tribulations for his family. His sisters, wives, daughters and relatives who were witnesses to the massacre were taken as captives, looted, imprisoned and were taken to Syria. They faced taunts of the enemies, humiliation, were dishonoured and insulted. Nobody had ever seen such sort of violations of human rights before Karbala. After release from Yazid’s prison, Imam Husayn’s sister Zainab and his only remaining son Ali took upon themselves to spread the message and stand of Husayn. They started holding gatherings which later came to be known as ‘Majalis’ to spread Imam Husayn’s message and how for his act to save humanity, he was killed.

Events following the death of Imam Husayn saw a rise in discontent in the entire Arabian Continent. The revolution of Karbala spread like a wild fire. People realized that they needed to speak up against injustice and tyrannical rule of the oppressor. It awakened the humanitarian sentiments of the people and the number of people joining in the revolution only kept on increasing.

With time, his sacrifice and message spread all over and people from other parts of the world started to come to gain more knowledge about him and his revolution. It was the first time in the history of the world that saw how powerful the voice of the oppressed can be and how victory can be achieved even with death. Nobody was ever massacred the way Imam Husayn and his companions were. The Husaini Revolution that spread, inspired people from various communities like Christians, Jews, Sikhs, Buddhists, Hindus, Atheist and several others. Since then, thousands of books by authors from all around the world have been written on Imam Husayn, his perfect moral character, his life and his revolution. His battle in Karbala was not offensive, it was defensive. His revolution teaches the principles of Non Violence, Justice, Equality, to speak up against injustice and oppression – no matter who or how powerful the oppressor is, firm determination and absolute trust in God.

Centuries after the tragedy of Karbala, the political situations in the world had once again severed, apartheid, colonization had taken over and people were subjected to oppression, exploitation and humiliation. In such times, Personalities like Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Rabindranath Tagore, and Nehru among others took Inspiration from Imam Husayn and his revolution in their freedom struggle. It gave them new hopes and strength to continue their fight. And just like Imam Husayn’s revolution, their struggle against the rulers of their time bore them fruits and they were successful in over throwing the tyrants.

The number of inspirations taken from Imam Husayn are many in number and it is not possible to quote them but when we analyse them, we come to know that all of them have considered Imam Husayn as a saviour. The Muslims consider him a saviour of true Islam. Without his sacrifice, the original Muhammadian Islam would have died with Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) death. Others consider him as a saviour of humanity – someone who restored humanity and showed that people should not compromise on human values and live free just like they have been created free by God. Imam Husayn preferred death rather than living under situations where human values were of least importance. It is very famously quoted from Imam Husayn where he says that “Death with Dignity is better than life of Humiliation.”

In the end, I’d like to conclude it with the quote of Edward Gibbion (1737 – 1794) who was considered the greatest British Historian of his time, “In a distant age and climate the tragic scene of the death of Husain will awaken the sympathy of the coldest reader.”

Imam Husayn is a personality not confined to only Muslims, rather he is a personality for each and every human being, of every age and gender as a role model, a guide both – spiritually as well as materialistically and as a leader. It is rightly said that, ‘Let Humanity awaken, all communities will call out Husayn as their own.’

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