Childhood Of Hussain

Imam Husayn (a.s.), is the second son of Imam Ali (a.s.) and Bibi Fatima (s.a.). He was born in Medina on Thursday 3rd of Shaban 4 AH (9th January 626 AD). Several miraculous events surround the birth of Imam Husayn (a.s.); these are: 1. He resembles Nabi Yahya in that the period from when his mother became pregnant to when he was born was six months. With other children this period is between seven months to nine months. A child born before seven months of “GESTATION” does not live. 2. When Imam Husayn (a.s.) was in his mother’s womb, he used to talk with his mother telling her of the events to follow in his life, that he would be oppressed and would be martyred. 3. When he was born, he was already circumcised (This quality is found with all the thirteen ‘Masoomin’ that is the Prophet and the twelve Imams from his progeny.) 4. He was born pure and clean. It is reported that when he was born the Prophet, Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w.w.) asked that the boy be brought to him. Asma Bint Umays, a lady acting as his nurse, requested for sometime so that she would clean the child and then hand him over to the Prophet. The Prophet replied that there was no need to clean the child since he was born pure and clean; this was the wish of Allah. 5. According to Ibne Abbas, at the time of the birth of Imam Husayn (a.s.), Allah sent a special ‘HOURI’ (a maid of paradise mentioned in Quran) called Loaya to serve Bibi Fatima (s.a.). It is reported from the same source that Loaya is that lady of the paradise under whom seventy thousand other ‘HOURI’ work. Shaykh Saduq reports on the authority of Imam Sadiq (a.s.) that before Imam Husayn (a.s.) was born, Umme Aiman, the Prophet’s beloved maid had a dream in which she saw that a part of the body of the Prophet fell into her lap. She did not understand the hidden meaning of the dream and thought that something bad would happen to the Prophet. She came to the Prophet weeping. On hearing all about her dream, the Prophet asked her to stop crying and be happy. This is because the dream that she had seen was good and it meant that very soon a grandson would be born to the Prophet and Umme Aiman would have the good luck of taking the child in her lap. Soon, Imam Husayn (a.s.) was born. When Imam Husayn (a.s.) was born, Allah ordered the ArchAngel Jibrail to take with him thousands of other angels and to go to the Prophet’s house to congratulate him. When Jibrail was on his way, he passed over an Island on which was imprisoned an angel named Fitrus. This angel had fallen out of Divine Favour and had therefore lost even its limbs. On seeing Jibrail and his army, Fitrus inquired as to what was behind this march. On learning that the angels were on their way to congratulate the Prophet, he requested Jibrail to take him along so that he, too, could salute the Prophet on this happy occasion. His wishes were granted and he, too, was taken to the House of the Prophet. Once in the company of the Prophet, Fitrus appealed to the Prophet asking him for the sake of the newly born boy, to seek his lost favours from Allah. The Prophet advised Fitrus to hold the cradle in which Imam Husayn (a.s.) was sleeping and to request Allah to restore to him his old position in honour of the Imam. Fitrus did what the Prophet told him to do. Allah accepted his prayers and returned to Fitrus his limbs and his old position. Fitrus went back joyous and feeling proud for having been forgiven for the sake of Imam Husayn (a.s.). When the Prophet was informed of his birth, he came to Bibi Fatima’s house. He read “ADHAN” in the boy’s right ears and “IQAMAH” in the left ears. He then put his mouth on the child’s mouth and fed him with his saliva. The Prophet himself named the child-Husayn. On the seventh day following Imam Husayn’s birth the Prophet performed “AQEEQA.” That is to say a sheep was slaughtered and the child had his head shaved clean. The hair was weighed and an equivalent weight of gold was given to the poor as charity.