Shaam To Madina

Shaam to Medina seven days of majaalis in Damascus, Bibi Zainab asked Imam Zain ul 'Abideen whether they could now proceed to Kar- bala’. Preparations for the journey began. Accompanied by Imam Zain ul 'Abideen Bibi Zainab went to the prison. There, with her face on Bibi Sakina's grave, was Bibi Rubaab. Bibi Zainab said to her, 'Rubaab, let us go home!' 'Home?' replied Bibi Rubaab, 'My husband lies at Karbala’, my Asghar lies there also. At least he has his father to look after him. Who will look after my Sakina? Khuda Hafiz, Bibi. You go, I will stay here. ' Bibi Rubaab is the lady whose world had been totally shattered. It was after great persuasion she got up to go, She walked slowly to the door supported by Imam Zain ul 'Abideen, all the time looking at the grave. Now barely twenty are returning to Madina. The rest lie in Karbala’ or along the route Karbala’ to Kufa and Kufa to Shaam. unlike during their journeys from Karbala’ to Kufa and Kufa to Shaam, this time the ladies are not bare headed nor are they mounted on unsaddled camels. They are at last going to Madina but that very thought frightens them. They arrive at Karbala’!You can well imagine of the suffering of Imam Zain ul 'Abideen, Bibi Zainab and all the ladies when they arrived at Karbala’. Every grave had a lady weeping for the one buried there, every grave save two. Bibi Zainab spent all her time on Husayn's grave and it was young Muhammad Baqir who wept on the graves of Aun and Muhammad.The journey to Madina was slow. When the city came within sight from the hills surrounding Madina Imam Zain ul 'Abideen instructed the companions who were with him to go to Madina and erect two huge tents on the out- skirts of the city. Very early on the following morning they entered the tents. Imam Zain ul 'Abideen sat in one, and the ladies in the other. Now a messenger was sent to tell the people of Madina that Imam Zain ul 'Abideen and the daugh- ters of Ali had arrived. The people ran from their houses to the two tents. The people of Madina had, of course, already heard of the tragedy of Karbala’. They did not, however, know of all the de- tails or that young children had also been killed. The men of Madina came to Imam Zain ul 'Abideen and the ladies went to the tent where Bibi Zainab and the other ladies were. There was so much weeping and wailing that it could be heard miles away. Suddenly someone spotted Bibi Fatimah Soghra coming. She was supported on one side by Umme Salmah and on the other by Ummul Baneen. Bibi Zainab prayed to Allah for courage. she put on her chaadar and went out to meet Soghra. Neither could utter a word. Bibi Zainab put her arms around Bibi Fatimah Soghra and brought her inside the tent. Soghra looked around searching every corner.”Where is my sister Sakina?” she cried, “Sakina come over, let your older sister embrace you and give you condolences!” At this there was renewed weeping and wailing. Who could possible have the courage to tell Soghra where Bibi Sakina was?