His Family

HIS FAMILY LIFE HIS WIVES The total number of wives the Imam had during his life time was five. It must be remembered that he did not have more than four wives at one time. Brief account is given about each wife of the Imam. SHAHR BANU She was the granddaughter of the last Emperor of Iran, Yazdjurd. She was brought to Medina as a prisoner of war during the time when Imam Ali (a.s.) was the Caliph of the Muslims. Her sister Gayhan Banu also came with her. Imam Ali (a.s.) married Shahr Banu to Imam Husayn (a.s.). Out of this marriage was born the fourth Imam, Hazrat Ali Zainul Abideen (a.s.) in 38 AH. Ten days after giving birth to Imam Zainul Abideen (a.s.), Shahr Banu died. Imam Zainul Abideen (a.s.), who was the first born of Imam Husayn (a.s.), was brought up by a maid. Shahr Banu was not present in Karbala. LAILA She was the daughter of Abu Mura Bin Urwa Bin Masud. Her mother was Abu Sufyan’s daughter, Maymuna. She therefore was Yazid’s cousin. From this marriage was born only one son, Ali Akbar. Some people think that she was present in Karbala. But History books of the olden times do not mention her at all in any events at Karbala. Moreover, it is mentioned in history that Ali Akbar 48 was brought up by his Aunt Zainab. Some scholars say therefore that Laila too was not present in Karbala. RUBAB She was the daughter of the famous Chief and Poet of the tribe of Kida, called Imraul Qays. He was Christian but later changed into a pious Muslim. With her, Imam had two children. A girl Amina (known as Sakina) and a boy called Abdullah Razi (known as Ali Asgher). She was definitely present in Karbala. She went through all the difficulties that befell the Family of Prophet in Karbala, in Kufa, and in Damascus. In Karbala, she assisted Imam Husayn (a.s.) to bury his six month infant Ali Asgher after his martyrdom and Damascus she saw her daughter Sakina die and be buried in the grave dug in the prison. By some accounts she never returned to Medina. On being set free from prison she went to Karbala and spent the rest of her life at the grave of Imam Husayn (a.s.). But according to some more reliable historical accounts, she returned to Medina. But in remembrance of the sufferings of Imam Husayn (a.s.) she refused to sit in shelter. She died in Medina after staying there for about one year. UMM ISHAQ She was first married to Imam Hasan (a.s.). On the martyrdom of Imam Hasan (a.s.), Imam Husayn (a.s.), married her as this was the wish of Imam Hasan (a.s.) in his death-bed. From this marriage was born a daughter called Fatima Kubra. Probably, Umm Ishaq too was not present in Karbala. QUDAIYA She was from the Tribe of Qudaah. She gave birth to a son called Jafar who died when still young. 49 CHILDREN All historians agree that the Imam (a.s.) had six children 1. ALI ZAINUL ABIDEEN - He is the fourth Imam 2. ALI AKBAR - He looked like Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w.) in every way. By some famous historical accounts he was the first person among the relatives of Imam Husayn (a.s.) to give his life in the way of Allah on the Day of Ashura. 3. ALI ASGHER - On the Day of Ashura, he was only six months old. The Imam had taken him to the battle-field in the hope that the enemies would take pity on his age and give him some water to drink. Instead, Hurmala Bin Kahil Asadi shot him and killed him with a three pronged arrow. On his death the Imam complained to Allah saying, “O Allah, be a witness of these people. Oh Allah, they have promised to kill everyone from the children of your Messenger (Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w.)).” 4. JAFAR - He died when he was young. 5. Fatima KUBRA - Her looks were like Bibi Fatima (s.a.). She was present in Karbala. She was already married to her cousin Hasan-e - Muthannah before Karbala, though she could not have been more the 10 years of age. Her husbandm one of the four sons of Imam Hasanm (a.s.) was present in Karbala. He fought and was wounded but did not die. His relatives from his mother’s side took him under their care. After the event of Karbala, he lived for another 15 years before he died in Medina. When he died his wife Fatima Kubra built a tent next to his grave and stayed there for one full year. 6. SAKINA - 50 Her name was Aminah or Amimah. The Imam, loved her very much. To him she was the peace of his mind and called her Sakina. She was very pious and very learned. All Scholars do not agree about her age and her place of burial. It is very likely that when in Karbala, she was aged about 4 years and was buried in the prison of Damascus. The grave in Damascus today has on it the name of Rukaiya; probably it should read Sakina. Some accounts also mention another daughter Fatima Sugra who remained behind in Medina.