Who is Hussain

The son of the noblest family In the evening of the 3rd day of the lunar month of Sha’ban of the 4th year after Hegira (AH) the second son of Ali (P) and Fatemah (P) was born in Medina in their small house. This was a newborn baby whose entire family members were the dearest human beings for God. His grandfather on maternal side was the last Divine Prophet (P),in whose description almighty Allah says, ’’لولاك لماخلقت الافلاك‘‘ If itweren’t for your sake, I would not have created the entire universe.”That is the Prophet (P), whose Glorious Book and divine religion are both universal; and in other words, there has neither been any prophetafter him, not would there be any till the end of the time. The father of this newborn son was Ali ibn-Abitaleb (P), the firstman who became a Muslim. Ali (P) was under the supervision of theMessenger of Allah (P) ever since his childhood and was thus nurturedand brought up by Muhammad (P), and as a reward for his strong faithand his unmatched piety, the Almighty Allah commissioned His reveredProphet (P) during his last Hajj pilgrimage at a place called Ghadir al-Khum to appoint Ali (P) as the inheritor and caliph of the Messengerof Allah (P), and God’s special vicegerent on earth (Imam) after theProphet of Islam (P). Ali (P) was born ten years before the divineappointment of Muhammad as Messenger of Allah (P) on the 13thof thelunar month of Rajab, quite miraculously inside the Ka’ba House. Afterthe sad demise of the Prophet (P) the Imamate of his eminence, ImamAli (P) lasted for some 30 years, of which about four years and ninemonths he was the caliph of the Islamic society, heeding the people’saffairs, until on the morning of the 19th of Ramadan month of the year40 (AH) he received a sword wound on the head by ibn-Muljam, due towhich he embraced martyrdom two days later on the 23rdof Ramadanat the age of 63. Hussain’s mother was the unique and infallible daughter of theProphet of Islam (P), Lady Fatemah (P), in whose description his fathersaid, “Fatemah (P) is the mistress of the women of the world, the bestmodel as a perfect woman, and the paradigm and model for the womenof my Ummah (nation).” This benevolent lady was born in the blessed city of Mecca at thecrack of dawn of Friday the 20thof the lunar month of Jamadi ath-Thaniof the 5th year after being appointed of his father as Messenger of Allah(Be’tha) and she got married to Imam Ali (P) on the 2ndyear (AH). Sheonly lived 18 years before her martyrdom in the year 11 (AH) in Medina.